HYPOCRISY WATCH: A Look at Spending By Environmental Activists

Environmental activists often claim that they are significantly outspent by energy companies in legislative battles, alleging it has “never been a fair fight.”

But new research from TPH Energy looks to compare advocacy spending from environmental activists and the oil and gas industry side by side – and the results might surprise you:

  • We found the 37 largest non-profits financing these efforts raised more than $2 billion in gifts, grants, and contributions in the fiscal year ending 2017 (latest data). More than $1.8 billion of these revenues were spent on programming. Of that amount, at least $1 billion

Environmental Banning Movement Claims Another Victim: Good Food

Straws. “Single-use” bags. Fracking. Kids’ fast food meal toys. Water bottles. Environmentalists’ rush to ban things that improve people’s lives is about to claim a new victim – good-tasting food.

Bloomberg reports that Berkeley, California’s ban on using natural gas in new homes or businesses has chefs and restauranteurs raising the alarm that food is about to taste a lot worse:

The California Restaurant Association is warning that the flame-seared meat and charred vegetables that foodies have grown so accustomed to ordering will become a thing of the past in Berkeley, California, which in July became the first city in

FACT CHECK: Is Line 3 Being Expanded Into Duluth?

CLAIM: An activist group held a news conference to announce that the final segment of the Line 3 pipeline will be built in Duluth, Minnesota – attracting media attention from at least one television station.






A state senator from Minnesota sums up the issue in an oped in Town Hall:

An activist group called the “Yes Men” developed an elaborate plan about the fictitious development of a pipeline in Duluth. The goal of this stunt was to try and create fear about pipelines and prevent the construction of a major pipeline that is

FACT CHECK: Did Native American Populations Have An Opportunity To Weigh In On DAPL?

CLAIM: The Lakota People’s Law Project published a video – reflecting claims made elsewhere in the media – claiming that members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe were not consulted during the planning process of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

“You have the burden to get the free, educated consent of the people who are affected. That absolutely wasn’t the case.” – Steve Martin, CEO, KS Energy.

“My main concern with DAPL is that they basically disregarded Indian input.” – Rodney Bordeaux, President, Rosebud Sioux Tribe.






As previously noted, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe …

HYPOCRISY WATCH: Governor Cuomo Accuses Utility of Mishandling Gas Supply – After Denying Permits That Would Increase Gas Supply

On the coldest day of the season yet, Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday laid the blame for limited natural gas supplies in southern New York at the feet of utility companies – even though his administration has refused to approve permits for a pipeline project that would provide enough energy to fuel about 2.3 million homes in the region.

First, let’s look at the timeline around the governor’s handling of the Williams Pipeline:

Protesters Block Delivery of Pipeline in Washington State

From Louisiana to Ohio, Pennsylvania to Texas, anti-pipeline protesters continue to oppose the construction of much-needed energy infrastructure. Last week, protesters at the Port of Vancouver in Washington state prevented the unloading and delivery of pipeline that will be used in the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

The Associated Press reported:

(At) least five people climbed up and chained themselves on the dock where the shipment is to be loaded off of.

Other “kayaktivists” were in the surrounding water, rallying behind the climbers to stop this project they say “is jeopardizing a livable future for everyone on this

Ted Danson Calls for Legislation Restricting Production of “Single-Use Plastics”

Actor and environmentalist Ted Danson urged Congress to pass legislation to reduce the production of “single-use plastics,” saying they are dangerous to the world’s oceans:

“We must stop the runaway increase of plastic production and reduce the amount of plastic companies make and are foisting on us, because it will last forever.”

“Recycling is like trying to mop up water from an overflowing bathtub while the faucet is still running. We need to turn off the faucet and reduce production of plastic,” he added.

Danson added that “[plastic] has been incredibly useful and now it has become incredibly dangerous.”

Danson’s …

FACT CHECK: Are “Single-Use” Plastics Worse for the Environment Than Alternatives?


Single-use plastics are the new targets of policymakers and environmental advocates who believe that Americans’ way of life is incompatible with protecting the environment, leading to more and more legislation governing the use of everything from plastic bags to straws to Styrofoam containers to even some paper bags.

Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle are among the major cities with plastic bag bans in place. Vermont has placed restrictions on plastic straws. Hawaii’s largest island has banned non-biodegradable plastic bags at checkout.

Advocates are pushing to bring a plastics ban to Colorado as well:

The outrage was

FACT CHECK: Does Ohio Law “Make Protesting a Crime”?

CLAIM: The Columbus Dispatch published an editorial that claims pending legislation in Ohio designed to protect the safety of the public and workers on pipeline and other infrastructure projects “threatens to shut down free speech,” “(makes) protesting a crime” and “seems designed to intimidate people whose protests might inconvenience pipeline companies and cost them money.”






Like similar bills around the country, Senate Bill 33 in Ohio is very clear about what it sets out to do and why. It is designed to increase penalties for protesters who damage, disrupt or trespass at …

Sens. Warren, Markey Proposal Banning Natural Gas Infrastructure Projects

Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Ed Markey have introduced legislation that would ban infrastructure that is used to export liquified natural gas – the latest policy proposal that would limit American energy development and our nation’s ability to provide reliable, affordable energy to allies around the globe.

The Washington Examiner reports on the bill:

The legislation would bar the construction of natural gas compressor stations that facilitate gas exports.

Warren has been among the most aggressive presidential candidates in vowing to wean the U.S. off fossil fuels. She has pledged to end fracking for natural gas to